P & C Association

The P&C association is a feature of nearly all public schools in the ACT. Schools benefit from the support of their P&Cs.

The Parents & Citizens Association is a diverse group of friendly parents and community members who work together with our fabulous Calwell High Principal, Deputy Principal and staff to coordinate functions and great projects to aid the whole school community.

The role of the P&C association in ACT government schools is to:
P&Cs can fulfil these roles by:

How Does The Parents & Citizens Association Operate?

At our meetings, held once per term, we facilitate a positive, relaxed and fun forum to enable discussion and development of ideas with parents and staff.  Together we can create an even better school for our students, and through increased communication at our meetings, enable future community relationships to flourish; benefiting all of Calwell High school, as well as cluster primary schools and colleges.

The Calwell High School P&C meetings are in weeks 3 and 8 of each term.

Why Join Your Parents & Citizens Association?

Your ideas, wisdom, perspective and input are important; without which we cannot offer extra school services, create partnerships or represent concerns and solutions to the school and community.

Being involved also benefits the parent and their family. Research shows that when parents are involved, their children get better grades and have a better attitude to school and improved behaviour.

Being involved in the P&C can have several advantages for parents:

But What Does It All Mean?

Your kind contribution of just two hours a month can help achieve fabulous outcomes for our students and school community.  It's not all about fundraising! The more parents  and carers involved, the better communication and understanding we have; allowing all students to add value to their educational experience.  The excellent resources, such as our vibrant Arts programs in Dance and Music, that are available to our students have been made possible by these past community efforts.

What Can I Do?

Please come along and join our Parents & Citizens Association, which equals 12 hours a year to provide your ideas and feedback!

If you are unable to participate, please pay your voluntary contribution, so that we can reduce fundraising and purchase new resources and equipment for all the Calwell High School students and community.

Perhaps you have a business or skill that can help in the school too, we would love to hear from you!