Food and Nutrition

Calwell High School is an Allergy Aware School

Due to a number of students at Calwell High School being severely allergic to nuts and nut products, Calwell is a nut awareness school.  Please ensure that your student does not have any nut or nut containing products at school.

Products sold in our school canteen and prepared in our Food Technology and Hospitality classes are nut free.

If your child has a food allergy of any kind we ask that you notify us so that accommodations can be made to the Technology course where required.

We will work with you to put procedures in place, such as emergency action plans and staff training, for your child.

Breakfast Club

We are grateful to have the opportunity to partner with Foodbank School Breakfast 4 Health Program and local supplier Alpha Fresh. Thanks to their generous donations we are able to offer Breakfast Club and fresh fruit daily to all students.

Foodbank School Breakfast 4 Health gives students the opportunity to eat a wholesome, nutritious breakfast on a regular basis. Having breakfast has been shown to have a positive impact on factors such as physical and mental health, social skills, concentration, behaviour, attendance and academic outcomes.

Breakfast Club runs on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 8.30–9.00am, and fruit is available every day from the Wellbeing Hub.

Food and Healthy Eating

Adolescents and teenagers need support in achieving optimum health and wellbeing. Health and wellbeing have a great impact on a young person's quality of life and their ability to achieve their goals. Calwell High School is focused on mental health and wellbeing, through improving the standard of nutrition in school meals and increasing dietary education.

The school is ensuring that ongoing health and wellbeing needs of students are addressed through investment in school facilities such as: a fitness lab room adjoining the gym and two professional standard kitchens with restaurant area for VET catering and hospitality classes

Students are encouraged to bring healthy lunches to school, including a water bottle.Guidelines for healthy lunch foods can be found on the Nutrition Australia website Packing a school lunchbox and Healthy Lunch Ideas for Busy Adults.

Canteen Facilities

The canteen at Calwell High School operates five days per week. The canteen strives to provide a varied, healthy menu for students, offering daily specials at very reasonable prices. See Canteen for the menu and link for online ordering. We encourage families to support this service as it provides valuable extra finances for the school.