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I was so pleased to be back at Calwell this week after my trip to the US visiting my son. As great as it is to be on holidays, I was genuinely happy to be back in such a kind, caring and talented community. This was clearly evident during our Remembrance Day Assembly, where students led an incredibly respectful and moving commemorative service.

This included students reading poems and reflections and also a special address from Brooke Walsh, who was able to relay what the day means to her as a former member of the Australian Defence Force. A big thanks to Tim O’Brien for coordinating the assembly and supporting the students to show this leadership.

I then had the pleasure of watching our amazing students perform in the Arts Extravaganza. Students and parents were all suitably excited as the talented artists took to the stage for song, dance and music. I am always amazed at the bravery and talent of our students, and was incredibly proud of them. A special thanks to Laura DeCosta and Matt Bradley who put in countless hours to ensure these great events continue to provide these opportunities.
As we reach the middle of Term 4, I also reminded students this week of the importance of attempting and submitting all tasks at school. Staff are always on hand to support students with any challenges, and we are seeing increased numbers engage in the supported study sessions in Flexible Learning Time. Although there may only be five weeks left, that is plenty of time to make considerable improvements to grades!
Have a lovely weekend.


Monday 13 November
  • Chemical Reactions Science Excursion (Mehar)
Tuesday 14 November
  • Homework Club, Break 2 
  • Chemical Reactions Science Excursion (Clutton)
  • Smashed Incursion - Year 9 & 10 (alcohol Education)
Wednesday 15 November
  • On Country Learning
  • P&C Meeting 6pm at the school
Thursday 16 November
  • Homework Club, Break 2 and After School
  • Breakfast Club
  • Outdoor Ed Surf Camp Line 3
Friday 17 November
  • Breakfast Club
  • Outdoor Ed Surf Camp Line 3


Our school's Arts Extravaganza this week showcased remarkable talent as students impressed the audience with their choreography, dance skills, and musical talents.

The event was a tremendous success on both nights, fostering a strong sense of unity within our school community. We're immensely proud of our students and look forward to more outstanding performances in the future. Thank you to all who attended, and let's keep celebrating our vibrant artistic spirit.
We wanted to share a quick recap of our recent Basketball Gala Day held at the Southern Cross Club Basketball Stadium. Our Year 7/8 team, comprised of 11 talented students, had an eventful day on the court.

While we may not have secured a win, the team demonstrated great sportsmanship and had a blast throughout the day. We saw some fantastic individual performances with multiple point scorers, including AJ, Anmol, Phoenix, and Romeon, lighting up the scoreboard.

However, the standout of the day was Mitch, who dominated with an impressive 27 points in total - a true MVP performance!

Our defensive tactics were on point, and the team's cohesion was evident in every play. Despite the tough competition, our team showcased resilience and teamwork that makes us proud.

Josh, Jesse and Ron were always speedy from one side of the court to the other, showing great dedication and Ainsley, Tom and Tad all held their own in the defensive half.

Win or lose, it was a day filled with passion for the game and great camaraderie. We're excited for what's to come and look forward to more opportunities to shine on the court.

Students from Years 7 and 8 travelled to Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve where they were immersed in a valuable learning experience by performing volunteer work with the Rangers in the native grassland ecosystem.

Students displayed excellent discipline and teamwork as well as respect towards the local culture and ecology.
Special thanks to Tomas Rodriguez, (Executive Teacher), for organising this fun learning opportunity for the students.
Congratulations to Amber who was a winner in the Suncorp Bank ESSI Money Challenge. Two of the Year 7 Maths classes participated in this challenge. 

The ESSI Money game supported students to explore the concepts of Earning, Saving, Spending and Investing in an educational and fun way.

Through game-play, based in a ‘virtual world’, the classes worked towards achieving an understanding of how decisions made over a period of time can have both positive and negative impacts on their financial situation. Well done Amber.



Year 7
Year 7 science students are learning about the adaptation and evolution of various flora and fauna found in the Australian ecosystem.

This week, all year 7 students performed a fish dissection with the aim to become familiar with its internal and external organs and its adaptations.

The dissection consisted of three parts: an external examination, the separation of internal organs followed by the mouth and gills.
Special thanks to Miss Karishma Chetty for the remarkable fish dissection demonstration.
Year 8
This week Year 8 students were performing household chemistry experiments. They learnt how to separate the protein Casein by making paneer cheese from hot milk by adding few teaspoons of vinegar to it.

They also learned the basic household chemistry involved in making cosmetics and cleaning agents.
The Duolingo mission expands to include maths and music!
Parents and carers of students who study Japanese at Calwell probably know about the app Duolingo, which started in 2012 aiming to offer free language education to everyone in the world.

At Calwell, students of Japanese are encouraged to use Duolingo as frequently as possible to learn Japanese and to develop good learning habits. Just recently, Duolingo has announced that their mission to provide free education now extends beyond languages to include mathematics and music. Why not see what you can learn in just 5 to 15 minutes a day?

Year 7 
Year 7 numeracy students have been practising improving their accuracy on one step equations and next they will be moving on to two step equations so they are ready to interpret simple linear relationships.
Year 8 
Year 8 numeracy students have been working hard on their financial maths assignment and Linear relationships.                                               
Year 9
Students have been engaged in the practical study of trigonometry within real-world contexts. We began by investigating the role of surveyors and even constructed our own clinometers to measure angles of various objects.

Using these measurements and trigonometry, we proceeded to calculate the heights of flagpoles and school buildings. We found that the performing arts centre stands at a height of 10 metres - that’s 2 giraffes tall!! This discovery has motivated us to explore the varied applications of trigonometry further as we prepare for an upcoming summative test in Week 6.
Year 10
Year 10s are getting close to their final rounds of summative assessment on Financial Maths scheduled for Week 6 and 7. In this unit students have been learning about different sources of income and how to calculate net pay after deductions including tax, superannuation and student loans. 

We looked at taxation and then created a budget to manage finances.  Finally we have and will continue to explore the concept of interest for both loans and deposits and how they are calculated. 

A reminder that students need to complete their EP tasks by Sunday 19 November as evidence of their learning for this unit.  All tasks are available on EP with supporting class notes available on their Google Classrooms. 

Letters of Concern for potential E grades were emailed out last week. Please respond if you have questions or concerns for your child.

We’re encouraging all students to finish the term strongly as, for many students, these outcomes will mean a successful achievement for their Maths grades this semester.
Calwell Outdoor Ed, out for a spectacular dawn surf!


Hello parents, carers and friends

Well done Calwell High for the Arts Extravaganza this week! We attended both performances, which we enjoyed immensely. Congratulations to all involved for such an excellent array of student talent, both onstage and backstage. Another wonderful example of Calwell High School's fine ongoing achievements.

Please keep in mind our P&C events coming up:
  1. P&C meeting Wednesday 15 November at the school - all welcome
  2. P&C BBQ at Calwell markets Saturday 18 November - we still have 1hr time slots available for volunteers so please sign up at We will also have another attraction at the BBQ - thanks to a kind donation from Tracey J, the P&C, along with teachers and students, have potted up a large number of tomato plants to go on sale at the BBQ, with funds raised going to the school.
  3. P&C Trivia night at Grill'd Woden Thursday evening 23 November - see separate advert with booking details. A fun opportunity for a night out to have a meal in great company and to test your memory skills - you'll be surprised at what you know! Get in quick as numbers are limited, contact to book your table!
Geoff Puleston, Calwell High School P&C President


Lornshill Academy - Google Classroom
To help with navigating the google classroom at home, here are some guides.

Google Classroom - Snapshot for parents

Google Classroom - Snapshot for parents & students


On Monday, some Calwell High students headed to the CIT Reid Campus to get a guided tour of all the different faculties including Arts and Design, Graphics, Entertainment and Media, Hair and Beauty, Hospitality and CIT Yurauna. They had the opportunity to talk with the CIT trainers about available courses and what is involved with Vocational Education and Training.    
Explore your course and career interests at the Canberra Institute of Technology (CIT) Open Day on Friday 17 November.

With a range of exhibitions and interactive activities being held across the three main CIT campuses (Bruce, Fyshwick and Reid), Open Day is your chance to meet the teachers, tour the campus facilities, and experience life as a CIT student.

Come along to speak directly with teaching and student support staff to find out how a CIT course can equip you with the industry-aligned skills you need to advance or change your career.

With a wide range of courses commencing in 2024, including fee-free qualifications and short courses, there has never been a better time to up or reskill.

The open day runs from 2:00pm - 7:00pm and registration can be made at the link below.


The Push-Up Challenge is a unique and fun way for schools to encourage better mental health and wellbeing through connection, physical activity and education. Education is an important tool for breaking down the stigma and fostering open conversations about mental health.

The Student Ambassador Program 2024 is now open for applications for years 10- 12. Student Ambassadors lead school mates, teachers and their school community in The Push-Up Challenge – cheering them on to get fit, have fun and learn about mental health.

Get your school mates together to smash out a heap of push-ups (or alternative exercises) in June 2024 while learning more about mental health. You can even fundraise if you're keen and make a big difference to supporting mental health services and programs.

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