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It has been an exciting week! On Monday we celebrated Mr Ricky's 3rd birthday. He enjoyed Pup Cakes after Happy Birthday was sung by all at break time. Mr Ricky has been a great support for staff and students, and we are so grateful that he joins us each day sharing his happiness.

Minister Yvette Berry joined a Year 7 Science class. It was an opportunity for her to view our new building renovations and I thanked her for her commitment to upgrading our facilities to align with modern classrooms. 

As part of the ACT Directorates Inclusion Strategy we are fortunate to welcome Ginny McWhirter as an Inclusion Coach school leader. Ginny brings invaluable expertise to her role, particularly in the realm of inclusive practices in the classroom. Her dedication and insight will be instrumental as we collaborate with Calwell Primary School to strengthen our inclusion strategy and provide unwavering support to our teachers and students.

Next week our Year 7 and 9 students will complete the NAPLAN tests. The tests will take place throughout the week, predominantly during the morning periods. Thank you to families for ensuring students bring a charged Chromebook, appropriate headphones and are ready for the day with a healthy breakfast.

Lastly I would like to share my thanks to our Youth Worker Sila. Sila will be moving to a new school next week to continue his great work. We thank Sila for sharing his calm, caring and good humour with us, supporting our young people.

Have a great Canberra Day long weekend!



Monday 11 March
  • Canberra Day Public Holiday
Tuesday 12 March
  • NAPLAN YEAR 7 & 9
Wednesday 13 March
  • Outdoor Education Lake Tuggeranong - Canoeing
  • NAPLAN YEAR 7 & 9
Thursday 14 March
  • NAPLAN YEAR 7 & 9
  • Breakfast Club
Friday 15 March
  • Outdoor Education Lake Tuggeranong - Canoeing
  • Breakfast Club


This week the Deputy Chief Minister, Yvette Berry, paid a visit to the school to inspect the new science building renovations and interact with the students who now have use of the new facilities. She was also able to wish Mr Ricky a happy third birthday!


Human Movement:
We're thrilled to announce that our Human Movement class has embarked on our theory unit focused on "Leadership" in physical activity and sports. Our first lesson was a success, and we're excited to continue exploring this topic in the coming weeks. In approximately three weeks, we'll be diving back into our High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) exercises. Through this blend of theory and practice, we aim to instil invaluable leadership skills in our students that will serve them well both on and off the field. Thank you for your ongoing support as we inspire the next generation of leaders in sports!
Year 7 Health & Physical Education:
Just a quick update on our Year 7 Health and Physical Education (HPE) class: we've wrapped up our athletics unit and are now moving on to our next topic, "Identity and Sense of Self". This unit will delve into concepts surrounding self-awareness, personal identity, and emotional well-being. We're looking forward to guiding our students through this exploration. Thanks for your continued support!

Year 8 Health & Physical Education:
Year 8 PE students have been focusing on improving their skills in athletics. Students have had the chance to try shotput, discus, javelin, high jump, long jump and sprints. There have been some fantastic displays of athleticism as well as moral support amongst students that we are excited to see on display at our upcoming athletics carnival. From next week year 8 will be moving into their first health unit for the year, Identity and Sense of Self.

Senior Health & Physical Education:
Our senior HPE classes have wrapped up their athletics units; reflecting on their performance by comparing their results to the class averages, evaluating their technique and exploring the fitness components required for each discipline, as well as ways to improve performance as it relates to these components and events.

We will now head to the classroom for our Term 1 Health Unit, 'Party Safe', where students will be covering topics related to alcohol and drug use, risk taking behaviours, strategies for helping themselves and others, and harm minimisation techniques and strategies.

Students will work through lessons as a class, having the opportunity to discuss important topics in order to gain knowledge, understanding and skills to be able to enhance their own and others' health and safety. 
In Dance classes at the moment, our Year 7 and 8 students are gearing up to perform their composition dances. They have all been working hard in small groups, putting together dance pieces that explore different genres and techniques.

Meanwhile our Senior Dance Ensemble class is actively engaging in a comprehensive health unit focused on party safety, they have had lots of in depth discussions around the risks associated with party’s and how to mitigate these.

The Senior Choreography class has been working hard, with one performance piece already completed and having started choreographing their second thematic piece of Toy Story which will go towards our end of Semester 1 Showcase performance. Keep an eye out for more details and notes soon.

Year 7 (MEHAR)

Students are learning about Kinetic energy and Potential energy and the transformation of one form of energy into another. Year 7 students are very precise in taking their readings as well as in their calculations.
Year 9 (MEHAR)
Students are involved in various STEM experiments and, at present, are learning to identify different metals by means of various chemical reactions and by flame tests. Students are also learning the basic chemistry to understand how chemical reactions takes place. The students have followed safe practices perfectly and demonstrated teamwork in doing their experiments in the lab.
Year 9 (Gowing)
Year 9 students enjoyed creating the classic elephant toothpaste reaction. Students used hydrogen peroxide, yeast, water, detergent and food colouring for this experiment.

We discovered that yeast produces catalase which causes the hydrogen peroxide to break down into liquid water and oxygen gas. The oxygen then makes bubbles in the detergent which foam up out of the bottle. Catalase is a catalyst in the reaction: it makes the reaction go faster but isn’t used up.

Outdoor Education 1  
Outdoor Ed 1 students are continuing to improve their canoeing skills through our weekly trips to Lake Tuggeranong. In class students are also beginning to prepare for their upcoming camp, this week students have practiced setting up and packing down the tents that they will use while camping. There was some great teamwork on display and it is fantastic to see the class beginning to come together as a whole group to complete tasks.
Advanced Outdoor Education
Advanced Outdoor Ed has been busy with our prep for our upcoming 3 day camp to Jervis Bay for some snorkelling and surfing fun! Our practical sessions have involved snorkelling techniques and gear familiarity at Active Leisure Centre, and our theory has been focusing on minimal impact camping and our oceans booklet. An awesome group getting ready to have an awesome time on camp.



The Calwell HS Careers Team is running our annual Careers Expo on the 15 May during National 2024 Careers Week.  It is a chance for our students to see and ask questions around a broad range of career pathways and opportunities.  

We would like to invite members of our school community to share either industry opportunities through your business or organisation that you work for, or to simply present their experience and knowledge with students of different career pathways. 

If you are interested in this opportunity we would love to hear from you.

Please contact Andrew at to register your interest or if you have any questions or queries.


Hello parents, carers and friends

We've just received confirmation for our P&C to run the BBQ stall at the regular monthly Calwell Markets on Saturday 16 March. This is an excellent opportunity for engagement with the community, to support local businesses, and of course an excellent P&C fundraising opportunity in support of our school.

We'd love for you to join us on the day to help out. The signup link is Just click on the link and pick your spot/s for the day. There are a number of jobs available : cooking, selling, serving or just being there to chat with customers/visitors about the great things that are happening at Calwell High.

Geoff Puleston, Calwell High School P&C President



In 2024, the Triple P Positive Parenting Program is running a campaign focused on confidence. Confidence is beneficial for kids, as it helps them with enjoyment, trying new things, and doing well in school. It can also help lessen social anxiety and school refusal. Parents and carers play a key role in building confidence.

Further information on ‘supercharging self-esteem in children’ and access to free online parenting courses, can be found at Supercharging self-esteem - how to build confidence in children | Triple P Positive Parenting Program.

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